5G COMPAD Holds Stakeholder Advisory Meeting and Local Demonstration in Italy

From January 28th to 30th, the 5G Communications for Peacekeeping and Defence (5G COMPAD) project partners convened in Genoa, Italy, for a Stakeholder Advisory Board meeting and a local demonstration. The event brought together key stakeholders, including representatives from supporting Defence ministries, to discuss the project’s progress and future developments. The discussions and demonstration took place at the headquarters of Leonardo, one of the 5G COMPAD partners.

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5G COMPAD showcases several 5G network deployment scenarios in a Global Demonstration in Latvia

On October 17, 2024, in Riga, Latvia, the European Defence Fund project 5G COMPAD (5G Communications for Peacekeeping and Defence) held its first global demonstration, showcasing various 5G network deployment scenarios at sea, in the air, and on land. The demonstration was organized by 5G COMPAD consortium member LMT and took place at the military base “Daugavgrīva.”

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The 5G COMPAD project partners recently attended the DEFEA 2023 exhibition

The 5G COMPAD project partners recently attended the DEFEA 2023 exhibition where international companies showcased their land, naval, aerospace, and cyber security defence systems. Two of the project partners proudly displayed the 5G COMPAD project poster at their exhibition stand while SAAB presented the project at the “EDF Cross-Project Meeting”, highlighting its goals and challenges.

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European 5G leaders join forces with Europe’s defence industry in 5G COMPAD

In collaboration with EU-based 5G companies and researchers, the European Defense Fund (EDF) has just awarded a new project, 5G COMPAD – 5G Communications for Peacekeeping and Defence. The project aims to provide European defence forces with efficient and resilient multi-dimensional communication systems, with improved functionality and life cycle cost advantages over exisiting system.

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