5G COMPAD conducted a demo in Sweden focusing on interconnected 5G tactical bubbles

On April 25th, the 5G Communications for Peacekeeping and Defence (5G COMPAD) project partners met with the stakeholders in Sweden to demonstrate the 5G capabilities, focusing on interconnected 5G tactical bubbles. The presentation and demonstration were held in one of 5G COMPAD partners, Ericsson’s, headquarters in Kista, Sweden.

Seven of the 5G COMPAD partners – Bittium, Ericsson, INSTER, Leonardo, LMT Innovations, Nokia, and Thales – brought together their equipment and assets for the demonstration, which reproduced several aspects of a coalition operation. 

The demo presented multiple 5G capabilities within several areas: mission-critical communications with satellite reach-back connectivity, IoT and perimeter surveillance, inter-bubble communications, mobility in a coalition operation, and interoperability with tactical radios. Fixed infrastructure and tactical combat radio communication capabilities were extended by deploying 5G tactical network of tree simulated nations.

The 5G COMPAD project was launched in 2022, and it aims to demonstrate the relevance of 5G mobile communications technology in support of sustained information superiority and provide European defence forces with efficient and resilient multi-dimensional communication systems with improved functionality and life cycle cost advantages. The project is co-funded by the European Union under the European Defence Fund. 

The project’s consortium unites world-leading partners from the European telecom and defence industries. These partners work together to develop the communication system architecture and specifications and create joint demonstrators to showcase the integration of 5G standalone networks with existing defence infrastructure using commercial and defence hardware and software components.

Additionally, 5G COMPAD aims to break down hurdles European armed forces face, which currently rely on expensive, hardware-locked communication systems with limited data rates and interoperability. By designing a reference architecture for a 5G-based communications system compatible with existing systems and platforms and enabling the recurrent integration of 5G, 5G COMPAD will provide a robust high-speed communication system and rapidly introduce new capabilities. This will ensure sustained information superiority for operational success across the conflict spectrum, including peacetime, grey zone, and armed conflicts.

Project: 101103519 — 5G COMPAD — EDF-2021-C4ISR-D-2

Press contact:
5G COMPAD Communication team
media @ 5gcompad.eu

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